Thursday, June 18, 2009

Petafilia 2: Nudity, mass-murderers and carrots, OH MY!

There's nothing as awe-inspiringly amazing as watching a self-righteous do-gooder American "cause" go strolling into poor countries telling them how to live. That's right, PETA has a new ad that uses the grand-daughter of a latin-american mass murderer to sell (are you ready for this?) vegetarianism!

The concept seems to be "look here, poor people. I know you all can't really afford meat anyway but if we show you a nudie of the granddaughter of some psycho that murdered your grandfather maybe you can 'join the vegetarian revolution.'"

For those of you that only know Che from the stylish T-shirt or handbag you wear (all the while decrying Capitalism), here's a little info on how wonderful he truly was.

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